

Mr. Chi’s mentoring has definitely been inspiring and has given me a very different perspective of my overall life. Motivating me to want to excel, not only in 1 area of my life but in all 7 areas of my life. 21 years in the Insurance Industry and countless of Motivational Talks & Trainings, but none compared to this life changing Mentoring from Mr. Chi.

Yvonne Jabeng, Kuching


感恩我在Prudential的妈妈Rosela Bong特地的为了我们拥有更好的富裕思维来上你的课,感恩老师你的教导和每次都很耐心的聆听《我与苦瓜纠缠的故事》.我是一个吸收力比较慢的一个人还记得我在2018年上你的课的时候我对富裕思维模式还不是很了解,上完了2天的课我想来想去也搞不清楚到底什么是富裕思维,怎么别人知道了我怎么都还不知道呢. 当我得知你的书可以订购了,我脑海里就出现5个字‘买下这本书’先,即便我没有养成一个阅读的习惯也不爱阅读. 还记得我在前一天还没有开始执行管制令的时候,被我称为了《谢谢你让我放下我与苦瓜纠缠的故事》我就决定要放下所有手边的工作什么也不管先的想法一定要读完这本书。

我用了几天的时间用心的阅读每一段然后再让我的脑消化,尝试的去理解你每一段要带出来的含义. 这是我第2次重新的再读过这本书. 每次读完这本书我就会发现不一样的东西, 领悟到不一样的东西. 阅读完这本书带给我最最最好的领悟,就好像突然间松开了这16年来我一直握着而不敢去面对的回忆和想念。

我以为我这辈子不可能会放下然后真正的去面对这回忆和想念. 现在我觉得我知道了这个原因为什么我以前不敢去面对这回忆和想念,这让我这个人都松了在面对这件事情。当然在接下来的时间我也开始对我所看到的,听到的,感所到的人事物充满了感恩的心,这所有的一切就开始变的更加美好了。





所以上天和妈妈生气了因为她付出了这么多而我却没有发现,才安排了你的离开,因为上天和妈妈觉得是时候要我开始学会什么是珍惜爱我的人,学会怎么去感恩爱我的人,该用什么方式去爱那些爱我的人,也要让我学会什么是独立,怎么的去帮助别人和一个家庭,学会要用什么方法去完成我的梦想. 这样上天和妈妈才会让我遇见一个这么爱我的人…谢谢妈妈,我爱你😇“



Joyce Kho, Kuching


Chi, thanks for your coaching today…I feel more energetic after having session with you. 谢谢你一路来的引导让我渐渐找回自己。现在和未来的路上,我要不断的提升自己在信仰,家庭和组织的领导能力,做个更棒的自己。

Michelle Soon, Kuching

Saya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada En Chi Poh Yung yang menyediakan platfom RICHMIND ini bagi mengajar dan memimpin agen-agen insuran yang baru menceburi industri tersebut.
Melalui program LIASM (Life Insurance Agents Success Manual) tersebut, saya boleh belajar bagaimana menjadi seorang agen insuran yang dipercayai, bertanggungjawab, berkharisma, berintegriti dan semua ciri-ciri seharusnya dimiliki oleh seorang agen insuran.

Sebelum menggambil keputusan untuk menjadi agen insuran, saya bekerja dalam sektor O&G (onshore) dan tidak mempunyai pengetahuan berkaitan insuran. Melalui program LISM tersebut saya dapat belajar banyak hal serta informasi mengenai industri insuran tersebut.

LIASM mempunyai 14 bab secara keseluruhan di mana setiap bab akan menerangkan bagaimana menjadi agen yang berjaya dan mengekalkan prestasi sebagai agen insuran yang berkharisma. Saya pecaya ramai yang beranggapan bahwa menjadi seorang agen insuran sangat mudah, hanya jual produk insuran kepada sesiapa saja sudah memadai. Namun menjadi agen insuran bukan sekadar menjual produk kepada sesiapa saja secara rawak semata-mata. Ianya memerlukan seorang individu yang benar-benar menjiwai tugas dan bertanggungjawab sebagai seorang agen.

Mempelajari ilmu yang bermanfaat serta membuka minda tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan wang ringgit yang harus dibayar, walauapapun bidang yang kita ingin ceburi, pasti ada harga yang harus dibayar. Ingat wang boleh habis, tapi ilmu akan berkekalan.

Bagi anda yang ingin menjadi agen insuran dan tidak tahu bagaimana cara yang sesuai, saya galakan anda untuk menyertai progrsm LIASM yang disediakan melalui RICHMIND platfom yang dijalankan oleh En Chi Poh Yung.

Terima kasih.

Henry Bala Ferry


Mr. Chi, thank you for your class today. I learn new things again today. I feel each day I am getting happier, lively and most of the things is LOVE that I can feel from surrounding people and things.

Tracy, Kuching


So grateful to Mr. Chi bring in Richmind Programme to our Agency. Instantly improved our personal achievement. The best thing is the follow up session. The whole session was fun and not boring. Encourage more people to join Richmind Session.

Mary Tan, Kuching

我很感恩有机会上您的心灵课程,真的让我受益良多。我是一个很自卑的人,也不敢多说话,因为害怕说错。我也不知道为什么会这样。但是,上了您的课之后,就比较放得开了。谢谢您,Mr. Chi.

惠玲, Kuching







拼搏是我一向来的性格,只要能让我有很大的信心,博一把,就算输我都不想留下任何遗憾,大不了失败重新来过,所以接下去的日子,我每天都抱着 感恩的心态,正面的思维来从事这份行业,因为这行业主要 就是帮助所有社会人民和给予所有人对你的信任,这样你就在这份行业走得轻松又快乐🤣而且朋友还会越来越多,人面也越来越广大👍🏻再这里真的非常感恩所有帮助我的人🙏🏻我要感恩的人太多了,写不完🤣。

Eric Lee, 诗巫






黄祥兰, Wong Siong Lang, Sibu



Lee Chee, Sibu


Dear Mr Chi, 感恩有你。在年头的时候,你问我你要怎么知道你达成MDRT? 我说,当看到系统里面出现那个号码的时候啊。你就叫我要影印出来。我就每天按进系统,想象那个号码出现!真的每一天都有看哦。就这样一步一步,慢慢的到达了。谢谢你,Mr Chi! 🌻🌻

Florence Wong, Sibu


这个课程让我领悟到非常多!也让一个懵懵懂懂的保险代理员(也可以说是行尸走肉)的我慢慢蜕变成保险企业家☺️了解到行业美好的前景🙏🏻 也在自我检测中了解到自我价值观和行业的价值。👍🏻



Cheing Su Siong, Sibu

我很感恩Richmind课程。很感恩Mr. Chi在我2015年一开始进入保险行业前,给我一些的辅导!您教会我在这个行业一定要先学会如何管理自己的身心灵!只要灵是好的,一切发生的事就会顺顺利利。感恩您教导我们要多多帮助别人,别人才会帮助我们!感恩您教我们要把学会的东西教给更多的人。感恩!感谢!无限保险集团有您这位人生教练,是我们的福气,感恩!

Lee Xiao Jin, Sibu


MRCHI, 谢谢您的RICHMIND让我和团队在保险事业上和生活上越来越好。因为有你的引导,我们的团队开始有了名字“无限保险集团”。有了今天的口号及LOGO. 我们的团队开始有了灵魂及凝聚力。现在我们的团队都有共同的语言就是常常用RICHMIND的语言互相鼓励,感恩有您。

Wong Siong Lang, Sibu


I was quite reluctant to attend Mr. Chi’s Life Insurance Agents Success Manual class at first. With pandemic going on during 2020 and worried about my sales, adding a learning session in Q4 was not what I had in mind. After prayer and meditation, I decided to commit and accept whatever happens during the class 3rd week onwards.

As I followed all Mr. Chi teaching and advice, I noticed something different in me after the 4th week. I started to close more cases, I received more than 30 new names (usually in a year I got 5), and my relationship with myself and my clients slowly improved. I started to manage my time accordingly and I am calmer.

What I did was say the affirmations daily, do my homework, take my time to meditate and follow through all the exercises with an open heart and mind.

I notice a simplified version of NLP was also in his teaching especially mind conditioning in the Identity and Limiting Belief technique to believe I can do more and beyond as a Spirit in the “I am a SPIRIT ” affirmation. And the “I approve of myself to achieve my goals” helps a lot to soften my stubborn subconscious.

I achieved more than my targeted cases last year, closed my first single premium case, affirmed and accepted my identity as a Life Insurance Entrepreneur, attracted a few potential business partners, managed my time better and calmer in just about a few weeks after I committed to Mr. Chi class.

I am now in Chapter 5 in his lesson and I am looking forward to more improvement throughout this 2021. I am very grateful and thankful for my leader for giving me this opportunity and Mr. Chi’s teaching. Attending Mr. Chi’s class was the best and right decision I have made in 2020.

Sonia Evonne Anak Duncan, Miri

I am a new comer into the Life Insurance industry, with no background at all, and I only thought that this industry is only about marketing & selling.
I was having low confidence in the beginning and always wonder what is my future in this industry, as it is one of the toughest industry to be in, what more to stay longer.

However, I am very grateful to my business mentor Ann, for introducing this Life Insurance Success Manual to me. With coaching & guidance from Mr Chi, I can now understand the purpose of me being in the industry.

It is not only about selling, but it’s a noble job that we’re in and the values that we are bringing in.

Being an Insurepreneur is definitely a rewarding and purposeful career, and it will allow me to be a blessing to others as well.

I can now see the clear path of me having a successful career in the industry.

Thank you so much Mr Chi for your coaching & guidance, I am so grateful that I have attended your classes.

Phoebe Francis, Miri

Selamat Tengah hari, Mr. Chi. Terimakasih untuk motivation, training yang Mr. Chi share sepanjang saya jadi anak murid Mr. Chi. Syukur menjadi ahli keluarga EMN Group. Untuk APW 8.12.18 sangat best. Banyak AHA moment yang saya dapat. Saya menjadi diri sendiri. Sepanjang ikut segala training Mr. Chi dari mula-mula sampai sekarang, baru saya rasa saya ada improvement. Itu yang saya rasa sendiri. Terimakasih untuk Ann & Auntie Elaine memperkenalkan Richmind.

Farzita, Miri

I have 8 years of trial and error of wanting to build a successful agency with the right minded people. After almost completing the Life Insurance Agents Success Manual by Richmind Coach together with my 3 newly joined associates, I strongly recommend those who wanted to join Life Insurance industry, those who think that this industry is not for them or those who still thinking if this industry suits them should enrol themselves.

Why I said so, initially 4 persons registered for the class and eventually one of them self-withdrawn from the session, which meant this training served as one of the auto selection tools for the right minded people to join. All I can say is that this session really helps the prospect agents and newly joined agents to understand the career prospects of this industry, professionalism and the ethics.
As for me as an agency leader, this success manual helps me in sharpening my recruitment skills especially on the first few selections stage by asking the right questions to the prospect agents. The content of each module are well structured and well explained by the person who has more than 20 years of supervising, interviewing and communicating with many successful Insurepreneurs in Malaysia.

Lastly, attending together with my newly joined agents makes us understand each other better and make my follow up follow through session with them becoming more effective.

Ann Jasmine, Miri

Thank you for teaching me about affirmation/karangan. And also remind me of bible and spirituality in my life. Of course, nobody will but you dare to say it to me in 2015. Thank you.

Ann, Miri



Celine Foo, Johor Baharu

我是宝珍。今天我感到非常开心和感恩因为通过我的温老板让我认识到了徐老师。徐老师的课程真的改变了我很多。 尤其是在思维和心灵上的自己。 每一堂课都让我颇有收获。他教导我如何做人做事,如何变得自律,如何成为一个企业家。 我在这短短几个月的课程里,学习到了原来人是可以给自己的大脑下达指令的。我们是可以和宇宙沟通,利用宇宙的吸引力让自己变得更好的。我学习成为自己的“思维守门员”。 我学会了在负面情绪出现时喊停。现在的我慢慢学习着用另一个正面角度去看人事物。 我了解到什么是“以终为始”。每一次听完徐老师的课后就会觉得自己又有了力量。我坚信正面思维和宇宙法则,有一天一定可以带我找到我的方向。 谢谢你徐老师。

Teo Poh Tiang, Johor Baharu